The mission of the Educational Empowerment Group is to promote knowledge, wisdom and understanding to all stakeholders that empowers success in our global society.
The vision of the Educational Empowerment Group is to elevate the experience for students and stakeholders by positively changing the landscape of charter school education.
A Message from the CEO
Are you ready? The upcoming 2024 – 2025 school year is filled with unlimited possibilities that await us. As we embark upon another school year, I implore you to share your vision with staff, students and stakeholders. After communicating your vision, engage each valuable team member in the process of working toward the vision. This approach promotes ownership and fosters a team mindset.
Every internal and external stakeholder should be cognizant of the direction to academic growth, teacher efficacy, staff retention, increased enrollment, increased community engagement and positive school culture. Empower and inspire your teams, and they will follow your lead into unchartered territory. Share the vision to illuminate the road to success! Here’s to a productive school year!
–Wendy Rydarowicz
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” – Joel Arthur Baker
Fired up for Future Success
EEG’s core values, Elevation, Empowerment, Emulation and Engagement are integrated into everything we do, and our pillars of success are our foundational, guiding principles. One of our pillars is Targeted Professional Development. Through professional development, we champion lifelong learning, foster leadership and teacher confidence, facilitate collaboration and equip our leaders with the skills and knowledge to launch our schools into greatness.
Principals, Academic Coaches and Deans of Students from every EEG school united to participate in valuable training, collaboration and camaraderie during the summer. EEG’s 2024 Leadership Launch Pad consisted of seven sessions, and an array of pertinent topics were highlighted. These professional development trainings lit the fire of motivation and encouragement to start the school year.
What’s Good?
Grant Recipients
Some of our schools were recipients of the Save our Sight Safety Glasses Grant awarded by SuperSpecs. The students received free protective eyewear for CTE construction programs. Congratulations to Riverscape Career Tech High School, Ohio Construction Academy, The Steel Academy and Lake Erie International High School! Click the link to learn more about SuperSpecs.
School Highlights
Completed Project at IAW
Construction is complete on IAW’s state-of-art gymnasium. This multi-purpose facility will house STEAM programming, physical education and community outreach. We anticipate many new and exciting things happening at Innovation Academy West! Take a tour of the new facility with Principal Monica Jones by clicking the link.
Successful Pathway and Beneficial Partnership at OCA
OCA successfully implemented a new welding pathway during the 2023-2024 school year. Sixteen students participated in the program, and three earned graduation seals. Additionally, the school’s beneficial partnership with Rocky Brands, Inc. brought about the donation of 100 pairs of boots to assist OCA students with skills training. Take a look at the video created by Rocky Brands, Inc.
We made a few staff additions and new appoints this summer to better serve our schools. We would like to welcome the following dynamic, new principals to the EEG team!
Matt Borck – Principal of Middlebury Academy, Akron, OH
Ryan Dewees – Principal of Southern Ohio Career Academy, Chillicothe, OH
Tom Harrison – Principal of Akron Career Tech High School, Akron OH
Renee Holt – Principal of The Steel Academy, Akron, OH
Shannon Mathie – Principal of Main Preparatory Academy, Akron, OH
Kisca Sturkie – Principal of Bridge Gate Community School (high school), Columbus, OH
We would also like to announce the following new roles:
Michael Zografos, former Principal of Middlebury Academy joined the Operations Team as a Director of School Operations.
Jason O’Koon, former Director of Schools, is the Director, CTE Implementation.
Sally Kari, former Principal of Main Preparatory Academy, is now the Federal Programs Coordinator.
Troy Powell, former Principal of The Steel Academy, is our new Director of School Safety.
Leeanna Simmons, former Principal of Akron Career Tech High School, will operate as the new Academic Coach for the school.
Congratulations to all new principals and appointees! We look forward to the positive impact you will make in our schools.
Are You Ready for the EleVate Education Summit?
Dynamic, immersive, transformative and energizing appropriately describe our upcoming 2nd Annual EleVate Education Summit! This year’s theme is Unleashing Innovation: Elevate Teaching, Learning, and Collaboration for Everyone.
This is an event you do not want to miss. Educators within the EEG network of schools will unite to collaborate and learn evidence-based strategies relative to instruction, leadership and every area pertinent to the successful operation of schools. Register today!
Learn about the health perks of camping, essential water safety tips, and the importance of immunizations in this month’s issue of Live Well, Work Well. Click the link for more information.
Volume 31 | March 2025 EEG News & UpdatesMissionThe mission of the Educational Empowerment Group is to promote knowledge, wisdom and understanding to all stakeholders…